Bulgarian women for marriage are pretty, smart, and single ladies who look for partners from abroad. They make great girlfriends for Western men because of their feminine qualities and strong values. What are they? Are there any cultural dating peculiarities? Read this article about Bulgarian brides to learn all about them.
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How do Bulgarian mail order brides look?
Let’s first define the main characteristics of Bulgarian brides’ appearance.
- Attractive facial features. To imagine what a typical girl from Bulgaria looks like, think of a famous Hollywood actress Nina Dobrev (a star of the drama series and many comedy movies). She was born in Sofia, Bulgaria. A lot of local girls look like her—brown hair with caramel highlights, dark eyes, high cheekbones, white teeth. Sometimes you can meet girls with blonde hair and blue eyes, but that’s more of an exception.
- Hot figures. The Bulgarian mail order brides’ bodies are sometimes compared to the ones of Romanian brides for marriage or the girls from neighboring countries. They’re not very tall (average height is 165 cm), but quite slim and fit. Complexion is darker in contrast with women from Western Europe or America.
- Perfect style. Scrolling the profiles of Bulgarian brides online, you’ll find the pics of girls in quite sexy outfits that attract men’s attention. Ladies really like to wear something hot when going out on dates to impress guys with their stunning beauty. But in everyday life, they prefer something much more casual, yet smart. They choose basic colors and simple designs to just accent their main advantages, as their appearance is already quite bright.
What are Bulgarian women like?
Of course, you can’t find a Bulgarian mail order bride online that’ll share the same characteristics with other girls. Women are different, so the info you see below is just generalizations.
Bulgarian brides are sociable
If you need a woman you can hang out with more, meet friends, go to visit your relatives, or even dance at parties, choose one of the Bulgarian girls. Of course, not all of them are like that, but the majority are extroverts. It means they’re usually optimistic, so they won’t make you feel bad when there’s something going wrong. Usually, girls try to stay positive in any situation. By the way, they also have a marvelous sense of humor and can easily make you laugh. They’re flexible and aren’t afraid of risk. But they hate to be alone. Be ready, she’ll need a lot of time to spend together.
Bulgarian mail order brides prefer to talk out problems
Maybe you aren’t one of those men who prefer to hide emotions and never talk about feelings, but if you’re, this isn’t going to work with a Bulgaria girl for marriage. The women in this country are taught to clearly express what they want or need. It might sound too straightforward for some foreigners, but this is, in fact, what helps to keep your relationships healthy and long-lasting. Discuss with her any problem, issue, or any positive feelings you have.

Bulgarian women for marriage enjoy being in the limelight
It seems like all girls love attention and compliments, but every lady needs it to a certain level. Some even don’t feel comfortable when men are too obtrusive with their courtship and nice gestures. However, this is not about Bulgarian brides. The more attention you give to them, the better. Calls, messages, presents, flowers— every effort to make her fall in love with you more will be awarded.
Tips for dating Bulgarian brides
Do the following when you start dating a Bulgaria girl for marriage.
Arrange a real date
No, not just a coffee after work. It should be something special and exciting. Remember, the girls love attention. They want to feel unique and adored. Don’t necessarily arrange something too expensive or crazy. It might be just her favorite restaurant and flowers. But if you show how you care about her, if she sees your interest, and if you both relax and enjoy each other, your date is going to be unforgettable.
Impress her friends
Not her parents, but her friends. By the way, meeting your girlfriend’s parents isn’t that big like, for example, in the majority of Eastern countries. It’s much more usual in Bulgaria—they won’t ask you lots of questions and won’t probably say a word about marriage or family. But her friends are going to be much more judgmental. Friendship is a huge thing for locals, and they value friends’ opinions a lot. So do your best to make them like you.

Don’t make fake promises
What Bulgarian mail order brides don’t like most is men who show off a lot, give promises, but then it all appears to be just words. The thing is, many local men are just like that. They fool girls around, first making them believe they’re caring and reliable, but in the end, they just disappear. If you want to earn women’s trust, show you keep your words. It concerns even small details like calling or being on time. If you said you’d call her the next day, do it. If you say, you’re looking for a serious relationship, be committed. Otherwise, she won’t think long to break up with you if you break your promises.
More interesting facts about Bulgarian women for marriage
A few more pieces of advice for successful Bulgarian mail order bride dating.
- Comparison with other women. Some people think Bulgarian girls have a lot in common with Russian brides for marriage, or girls from neighboring countries like Ukraine or Romania. But this is what drives local girls crazy. They always want to feel special and unique, remember? They don’t need to hear from you if their appearances are alike, or the languages sound similar.
- Yes and no. You might have heard about this interesting cultural peculiarity—when Bulgarian girls for marriage say “yes”, they shake their head (like you would when saying “no”). And it’s the opposite when they mean “no”—they nod. It may be difficult for foreigners. Moreover, as locals know how confusing this is for people of other cultures, they do it all just like others do (yes—nodding, no—shaking). This makes it even more complicated.
Your Bulgaria girl for marriage can make you an extremely happy man. Your life is going to be ful of new meetings, fun, hearty talks, and delicious food. You can easily find your Bulgarian match online on one of the dating platforms. Go get her!